Some people are simply curious of what equipment other artists use to create their chosen form of expression.
Many photographers are insatiable regarding equipment. There seem to be many and varied reasons for this. I have noticed three general categories over the years.
Category A
Some photographers need the newest gear available, believing that they will be capable of amazing things if they own what is available on the cutting edge. A close friend refers to this as living on the “bleeding edge”, but the manufacturers and retailers truly love them. For many there is simply the malady of equipment-itis, gadget-itis, call it what you will. These gear-heads, as they are affectionately known, just have to own all kinds of equipment, good or bad. Many believe that if they just had this other piece of equipment, imagine the amazing things they could do. I find it interesting how many of these people, never actually seem to get around to actually using the equipment. There is always some other item they seem to be in need of.
Category B
Certain types of equipment are necessary for the type of imagery that many photographers create. For example, it really is quite difficult to do macro photography without either a macro lens, or a bellows or tubes. Similarly it is easier to correct for perspective with a view camera, something that a fixed body camera cannot do. For these photographers the equipment is simply a means to an end. That end being a satisfying finished image.
Category C
At first blush, this third type of “photographer”, would seem to fall into category A. There tends to be a large accumulation of equipment with often no apparent cohesiveness to the collection. These people often refers to themselves as photographers, and possibly started out that way, but are in reality collectors. These people tend to be interesting, and often quite knowledgeable regarding their specialty of interest.
So regardless of what sparks your interest in equipment I will try to sate your curiosity by populating the three subcategories of equipment with equipment I find has stood the test of time.